Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Play is important at Little Caliphs

Children who are 4 and 5 are ready for more organized social play. They grow away from being interested only in their own ideas to being interested in the actions and feelings of others.

Preschoolers love to dress-up and pretend. They need dress-up clothes - hats, high heels, purses, play money, or anything grown-ups wear. Providing costumes, dress-up clothes, and equipment or furnishings encourages preschoolers toward creative, dramatic play. Big boxes that can become houses or stores are wonderful. These activities give them a chance to act out their feelings, emotions, and how they view the world about them. This practice of grown-up roles leads to the child's understanding of adults by giving the child a chance to play at being an adult. Preschoolers learn how it feels to be big. They pretend, imagine, create, and imitate what they think it is like to be grown up. They practice relating to their friends. Creative play combines the elements of imagination and fantasy with what is real.

The preschooler learns rapidly through play. Learning the differences in how things feel, look, and sound help children develop intellectual skills. The child's vocabulary expands through learning about color and size in play activities. As children develop physically through running, jumping, and hopping, they learn action words.

Giving a child an opportunity to get messy also is a learning experience. Playing in mud, sand, and water or painting and colouring gives children a sense of freedom and another chance to strengthen their imagination and creativity. Preschoolers are not lying when they tell wonderful and exciting tales about things that adults know are not true. They are being creative.


Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Assalamualaikum parents,

Some of you have sent your children to the kindergarten as early as 4 years old. They are taught how to write and how to colour and how to draw.

At Little Caliphs, we train our children as soon as they come to school. Firstly, we will do many Preschool Activities to enhance their soft motor skills. From there, we correct the way they hold their pencils. Here are some preschool fine motor skill activities that may help your child to develop good soft motor skills and develop good writing skills as they grow older.

          Rolling play dough into tiny balls using the palms of the hands facing each other and using only the finger tips.

         Cut out shapes from cardboard (circle, square, etc.) and let your child trace them.

Using toothpicks to make designs in play dough.

       Give your preschooler pair of tweezers. Provide two bowls with small items. Challenge them to get all the items from one bowl to another using only the tweezers.

Tearing newspaper into strips and then crumpling them into balls.

Lacing and sewing activities such as stringing beads.

Using eye droppers to "pick up" water.

Play with Legos, miniature cars, small blocks, action figures, and other small toys.

Working puzzles

Rolling small balls out of tissue paper
, then gluing the balls onto construction paper to form pictures or designs.

Scissor activities

Gross motor activities:
Wheelbarrow walking, crab walking.

Clapping games

Connect the dots activities

Trace around stencils

Work on a chalkboard

Paint at an easel

Make crafts using scissors and gluing

Finger painting

Tying bows or tying shoes

Allahualam, insyallah.

Thursday, 29 October 2015


Little Caliphs Bakal Perluas Operasi Ke Indonesia

Diterbitkan: Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015 4:30 PM

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Wednesday, 28 October 2015


Assalamualaikum :D 

What is it like going to Little Caliphs? Here we share what Little Caliphs is all about and snippets of moments, memories and the joy that we share together. 






Wednesday, 21 October 2015


Dear parents,
Here are some links to blogs that may be helpful for you to decide on whether Little Caliphs is right for your child. Insyallah. 

Iolss Study Tentang The Little Caliphs... - Bubblynotes - Malaysia Parenting & Lifestyle Blogger - http://www.bubblynotes.com/2014/09/iolss-study-tentang-little-caliphs.html?m=1
Life Starts Here!: Program Little Caliph di Tadika Khalifah Cerdik Kerteh - http://zahanis.blogspot.my/2015/02/program-little-caliph-di-tadika.html?m=1
The Kasihs: Parents - Teacher Meeting at Little Caliph. - http://kasihaleeya.blogspot.my/2015/04/parents-teacher-meeting-at-little-caliph.html?m=1
X-presi by Kemn Azmaili: Betul ke pilihan hantar anak ke Little Caliph? Apa pendapat ibu? - http://kemnrocky.blogspot.my/2014/12/betul-ke-pilihan-hantar-anak-ke-little.html?m=1
Some stories to share..: Fast reading technique (Little Caliph) seminar - A review - http://drikeen.blogspot.my/2015/02/fast-reading-technique-little-caliph.html?m=1
mamasuraya™: Little Caliph Fast Reading Program Seminar - http://mamasuraya.blogspot.my/2011/01/little-caliph-fast-reading-program.html?m=1

Sekadar Pendapat Hidayah: Aisyah Masuk Darjah Satu - http://sekadarpendapat.blogspot.my/2008/01/aisyah-masuk-darjah-satu.html?m=1


Finding the best kindergarten for your child
Once you decide your child is ready for preschool, it's time to find a good program. It pays to start your search early.
To find the best program for your child, follow the six steps below.


Identify your priorities

First, decide what you want. Are you looking for a preschool near your workplace, or would one closer to home be more convenient?
Do you want the curriculum to include activities such as music and movement and storytelling? Are you looking for a specific approach to learning?
Write everything down so you have a list to refer to as you evaluate different programs.

Do your research

Ask around to find the most reputable preschools. Friends and family can give you the names of schools they like, and we all know that personal references are the best kind.
Go online. 
Check websites, facebooks and read the activities that are being doen in teh kindergartens. look at the children’s happy faces and read about the programs that the kindergarten is offereing

Visit and interview

You can ask a few preliminary questions over the phone (about fees or enrollment, for example), but you won't get a sense of what a preschool is really like until you go there and meet the staff.
Ask the Principal about everything from hours, fees, and schedules to philosophies on childrearing topics such as discipline and nutrition
When you visit the classrooms, check the teacher-child ratios and note how many children are in a classroom. For 3- to 4-year-olds, the organization recommends groups of 20 or fewer, again with at least two teachers. As many as 20 5-year-olds can be in a class with two or more teachers.
.Observe how the teachers interact with the kids: Make sure they're friendly, caring, and encouraging. You'll also want a challenging curriculum, experienced teachers (who are paid well and satisfied with their job), and an environment that's warm, clean, and safe.
Ask about staff turnover. If the teachers change every six months, move on. Children need consistency and the opportunity to form strong relationships with their caregivers, so you don't want a preschool where teachers come and go.
Ultimately, choosing a preschool is a personal decision. If, after visiting a preschool, you love the idea of your child going there, it's probably the right place for you.

Check references

Positive word of mouth is a powerful endorsement. If a preschool has a certain buzz, ask parents what they like about it.

Kid-test it

Visit the school with your child. That way you can see how he and the teachers interact and whether he seems comfortable in the preschool's environment. Do the teachers seem interested in getting to know your child? Does he enjoy the activities?

Get on the waiting list

If the preschool of your dreams has no openings, don't despair. Put yourself on the waiting list, and while you're at it, write a letter explaining why you like the school so much. It won't guarantee you a place, but it can't hurt to let the school know how enthusiastic you are about the program.

The article you read was written from blogs on tips to find  a good kindy for your child. To be more specific this are the steps for you to know about our Little Caliphs kindergartens.

Steps to find out about our Little caliphs kindergarten
·       Find a Little Caliphs kindergarten near you...log into www.littlecaliphs.com and got o the branches and find one near your locality
·       Read also about our programs and modules from the website
·       Go to the face book of the kindergarten and find out about their activities.
·       Call the name listed to be contacted in the branch menu and make and appointment to see the school. Go with your child , get to know the Principal and the teachers and request to see the classes if you wish.
·       Come to open day and find out more about the program and if youa re lucky you can meet the Founders!
·       Lastly register quickly book your place and pay the booking fee

Good luck! Im looking forward for you to register with us.


Monday, 5 October 2015

Aulad Read & Play with Little Caliphs

Assalamualaikum dear readers,

Today we'd like to share with you a wonderful post in one parent's blog on how she trains and excites her children with fine motor skills.

You can read more of her entry by clicking here:

>> Aulad Read & Play

Hope you will be inspired to do more with your children at home, insyallah.


Wednesday, 26 August 2015


Aku sedang memandu kereta dalam perjalanan ke Ulu Klang , fikiran ku bercelaru, jiwa ku gelisah dan badan ku penat. Ya Allah berilah aku hikmah kebijaksanaan agar aku dapat menangani segala permasalahan dalam hidupku ini.

Sambil aku memandang ke depan melihat keindahan alam…tiba tiba fikiranku melayang mengimbas kenangan silam semasa aku di tadika dahulu….. Aku bersyukur ibu bapaku menghantarku di tadika apabila ramai dari kawan kawanku tidak ke sekolah ketika berusia 6 tahun. Maklumlah Tadika Kemas dan tadika swasta tiada ketika itu. Lalu aku tersenyum….Subhanallah  sebenarnya aku telah mendapat jawapan persoalan qalbuku.

Sebenarnya semua yang aku belajar , aku belajar di tadika, dan jika aku dan semua orang di sekelilingku mengamalkan apa yang diajar oleh guru-guru kita yang penyabar dan penyayang, InshaAllah hidup kita semua malah masyarakat dan negara kita boleh menjadi sebuah negara yang aman dan makmur. Barulah aku sedar sebenarnya dari tadika lagi aku sudah belajar bagaimana untuk hidup bersyariat, bukan di sekolah menengah mahupun di menara gading.

Guru tadikaku mengajar aku dan kawan-kawanku  untuk:

Ø  Berkongsi dan saling menyayangi
Ø  Tangan bukan untuk memukul kawan tapi untuk menulis
Ø  Simpan mainan setelah bermain, biar kemas dan bersih
Ø  Minta izin dulu kalau nak pinjam barang kawan sebelah tu!
Ø  Cakap ‘sorry’ ya jika buat kawan sedih
Ø  Basuh tangan tu sebelum makan dan habiskan makanan ok
Ø  Makan makanan yang berkhasiat…jangan makan gula banyak sangat
Ø  Berdosa jika mengambil hak orang
Ø  Tak usah menipu tau… nanti orang tak percaya pada kita
Ø  Mari sini semua.. …kita tolong kemas sama-sama

Mashaa Allah! Aku rasa semua orang bersetuju dengan aku bahawa perkara-perkara yang diajar oleh guru-guru kita di tadika kalau kita semua mengaplikasikan dalam hidup kita seharian, maka hidup kita akan menjadi kehidupan insan yang diredhai oleh Allah swt. Amalan seperti jujur, amanah, saling berkongsi, berkasih sayang , bermaafan dan bekerjasama itulah tunggak hidup berkeluarga dan bermasyarakat.

Kini aku sendiri memiliki sebuah tadika. Kami mengajar anak-anak menyanyi lagu-lagu yang sangat bermanfaat untuk kehidupan. Lagu’ Incy Wincy Spider’ adalah kegemaranku. Kerana labah-labah yang bernama Incy Wincy tu mengajar aku untuk bangkit semula setelah hujan dan ribut melanda, Incy Wincy mengajar aku supaya cuba dan terus mencuba untuk maju ke atas ,maju ke hadapan walaupun hidup ini dikelilingi dengan ujian.

Nasyid-nasyid cintakan Allah dan Rasul juga sentiasa diajar kepada anak-anak kecil di tadikaku. Senandung lagu makna Al-Fatihah, alunan zikir-zikir munajat diajar kepada anak-anak muridku agar jiwa mereka tenang . Aku juga mengajar mereka untuk taat kepada ibu bapa, hormati guru dan orang tua melalui sesi bercerita. Dan aku juga mendidik mereka agar sentiasa bercakap dengan bahasa yang indah dan positif. Mashaa Allah, jika anak-anak ini faham dan dapat amalkan lirik kata kata dalam nasyid yang mereka pelajari “Oh when you feel sad, Oh When you feel bad…say Lailahailallah ”pasti ianya dapat menjadi panduan hidup mereka agar sentiasa pergi kepada Allah tika hati melanda kesedihan. Dan jika lidah mereka basah dengan senandung zikir, pasti jiwa mereka akan sentiasa tenang kerana hanya dengan  mengingati Allah swt jiwa akan menjadi tenang.

Ada juga yang anak-anak yang pulang petang, diajar untuk istirehat setelah solat Zuhur dan juga bangkit disertai minum petang. SubhanaAllah, jika aku boleh amalkan tabiat demikian …bangun pagi kemudian istirehat sebentar dan ambil masa untuk menghirup secawan teh, inshaaAllah boleh lagi aku berkhidmat di petang dan di malam hari, tidaklah badan ku sentiasa dalam kepenatan. Dan jika aku ikut cakap guru tadikaku untuk sentiasa memakan makanan yang sihat dan seimbang dan kurangkan makan gula-gula, inshaAllah tiadalah penyakit yang melanda di saat saat usiaku ini menjangkau usia emas kini.

Di tadika juga kami para guru mengajar erti kebersihan dan kekemasan. Sebagai seorang khalifah tanggungjawab kita lah untuk sentiasa menjaga bumi ini supaya indah, bersih dan jauh dari polusi. Jika anak-anak ini mengamalkan konsep yang diajar inshaa Allah rumah, kawasan dan negara Malaysia akan sentiasa bersih tanpa sampah yang dibuang merata-rata. Juga jika para khalifah kecil ni mengamalkan sikap tolong menolong, kerjasama , berkongsi dan kasih sayang, tidaklah sesekali mereka akan kesunyian dalam hidup mereka. Mereka akan sentiasa dikelilingi oleh kawan-kawan yang akan menghormati dan menyayangi mereka. Begitu juga dengan diriku…..

Dalam aku melayani lamunan fikiran ku, rupa-rupanya aku telah pun sampai ke destinasi. Keluh-kesah dan risau yang melanda jiwa dan fikiranku, aku gantikan dengan senyuman, keceriaan dan sikap positif. Aku bertekad akan cuba mengamalkan apa yang aku belajar dan apa yang aku ajar di tadika sebagai pegangan hidupku dan amalanku.

Subhanallah….sebenarnya apa yang aku belajar tentang erti kehidupan , aku belajar dari tadikaku, terima kasih cikgu kerana sudi mendidikku. Terima kasih Allah kerana sentiasa bersamaku…..

Monday, 10 August 2015


Assalamualaikum wbt dear parents,

Today i would like to share an evidence of how we should never give up on the mercy and power of Allah swt. No matter what He gives into our lives, there is always a reason behind it, always a form of goodness that comes from it.

What we have to do is remain redha and continue to be grateful and express syukur for everything that we have. This young boy, Fajar,  in this video was born pre-maturely, and due to the lack of oxygen and few complications at birth, he is now living with certain impairments. However, Subhanallah Allahuakbar, this little miracle is able to memorize 30 juz of the Al-Quran, something even someone as normal as you and me may or may never achieve in a lifetime.

May we all continue to strive raising children who are soleh and solehah for it is a given amanah by Allah swt, dunya wal akhirah. 

Tuesday, 4 August 2015


Assalamualaikum wbt dear parents,

Wondering what to do this weekend? Tired of the same old routine? Perhaps these ideas could give you an inspiration on how you can spend some quality time with your children. 

1. Taking them to libraries and/or buying them books. This is a chance to turn off screens of television sets, laptops, phones, games consoles and the like for some real bonding time. 

2. Going on a picnic at a park. Get in some fresh air and relax with the scenery. 

3. Try a new food (halal) your child has never eaten. This allows them to explore other cultures and learn more about the world. 

4. Volunteering such as cleaning the park, visiting an orphanage, visiting an animal shelter etc. Teach them good values about caring for others, the community and the more needy. 

5. Watch the stars. Sometimes we take our surroundings for granted. Perhaps you could take the children for a drive to where the skies are clear at night and admire the amazing collection of stars Allah swt has created. 

6. Get cooking. Try simple and easy types of cookies or muffins children can enjoy making themselves with your guidance. 

7. Make a family memory album. Your kids can pick the pictures they like most then get it printed and put into the album. You can even create captions together. 

8. Joining a parent-child Islamic boot camp or going to classes at your neighbourhood masjid. This way you both can build a spiritual bond together. 

9. Try a new hobby such as collecting stamps, swimming, flying a kite, bowling etc. The list are endless as long as you and your children are enjoying it and learning something new. 

Have fun! 

Thursday, 30 July 2015


1. Don't study grammar too much
This rule might sound strange to many English as a Second Language (ESL) students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar.

Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse you.
I often ask my native English friends some grammar questions, and only a few of them know the correct answer. However, they are fluent in English and can read, speak, listen, and communicate effectively.

2. Learn and study phrases
Many students learn vocabulary and try to put many words together to create a proper sentence but unable to create a proper sentence. The reason is because they didn't study phrases. When children learn a language, they learn both words and phrases together. Likewise, you need to study and learn phrases.

If you know 1000 words, you might not be able to say one correct sentence. But if you know 1 phrase, you can make hundreds of correct sentences. If you know 100 phrases, you will be surprised at how many correct sentences you will be able to say. Finally, when you know only a 1000 phrases, you will be almost a fluent English speaker. .

Don't translate

When you want to create an English sentence, do not translate the words from your Mother tongue. The order of words is probably completely different and you will be both slow and incorrect by doing this. Instead, learn phrases and sentences so you don't have to think about the words you are saying. It should be automatic.

Another problem with translating is that you will be trying to incorporate grammar rules that you have learned. Translating and thinking about the grammar to create English sentences is incorrect and should be avoided.

3. Reading and Listening is NOT enough. Practice Speaking what you hear!
Reading, listening, and speaking are the most important aspects of any language. The same is true for English. However, speaking is the only requirement to be fluent. It is normal for babies and children to learn speaking first, become fluent, then start reading, then writing. So the natural order is listening, speaking, reading, then writing.

First Problem
Isn't it strange that schools across the world teach reading first, then writing, then listening, and finally speaking learn it. So even though the natural order is listening, speaking, reading, then writing, the order for ESL students is reading, listening, speaking, then writing.

Second Problem
The reason many people can read and listen is because that's all they practice. But in order to speak English fluently, you need to practice speaking. Don't stop at the listening portion, and when you study, don't just listen. Speak out loud the material you are listening to and practice what you hear. Practice speaking out loud until your mouth and brain can do it without any effort. By doing so, you will be able to speak English fluently.
4. Submerge yourself

Being able to speak a language is not related to how smart you are. Anyone can learn how to speak any language. This is a proven fact by everyone in the world. Everyone can speak at least one language. Whether you are intelligent, or lacking some brain power, you are able to speak one language.

This was achieved by being around that language at all times. In your country, you hear and speak your language constantly. You will notice that many people who are good English speakers are the ones who studied in an English speaking school. They can speak English not because they went to an English speaking school, but because they had an environment where they can be around English speaking people constantly.

There are also some people who study abroad and learn very little. That is because they went to an English speaking school, but found friends from their own country and didn't practice English.

You don't have to go anywhere to become a fluent English speaker. You only need to surround yourself with English. You can do this by making rules with your existing friends that you will only speak English. Submerge yourself in English and you will learn several times faster. Insyallah!

May Allah swt accept all of of our efforts. 

Monday, 27 July 2015


Masyallah, may Allah bless little Sufi and these young children towards a righteous path.

(Shared by En.Razak of LC Bandar Sunway during Eid back in their family hometown.)

Monday, 6 July 2015


Sometimes we think we know enough, we know it all. Sometimes we may think there is nothing left to learn. But with our increasing age, do we truly know the simple fundamentals of Islam? Watch this video below and image if the malaikah came down in front of you and asked these simple questions... will you have the answers? If your child had asked you these questions, could you answer him or her? If your life depended upon you answering these questions correctly, will you survive?

Truly, this video sends out a powerful message to us all. If this didn't move your hearts or bring tears to your eyes... I'm not sure what will.

Let's reflect back on what we can do better, what we can improve for tomorrow... all for the sake of our children.

The future of Islam begins with the Youth. A child who is brought up with strong knowledge of what makes him a Muslim, what pillars is he holding strong onto as his guide and who his true role model is will insyallah, be a good Muslim throughout his life and continue a legacy of Muslims we can all be proud of.

In this day and age, the knowledge of Islam is literally at your fingertips.

What are you doing about it? 


"Marilah sama-sama kita pertingkatkan doa kita akhir Ramadhan yang mulia ini 
agar anak-anak permata hati kita membesar menjadi anak-anak yang soleh dan 
sentiasa mendapat petunjuk dari Allah swt."

Monday, 29 June 2015


Assalamualaikum dear parents, readers and so forth.

We have exciting news for all of you! You can now have our endearing Little Caliphs Islamic Storybook collection delivered right to your doorstep. All you have to do is whatsapp/sms 013-3236500 to place your orders and we'll have it sent your way with FREE POSTAGE!

In addition, don't miss this Ramadhan Special Promo that we are having with an exclusive price just for you on this blessed month.

                                                          4-in-1 set for only RM55!!!

1 set contains:
- Little Maryam
- Princess Solehah
- We are Brothers, My friend and I
- Raising Young Caliphs

Friday, 26 June 2015



How’s Ramadhan with you and your child? Are you finding it difficult to train your child in Ramadhan? A few tips I can share with you are as follows:

1.      Do not force them…. the word is training. But training you must. You can train them fasting for half the day or just drinking, no food. Inshaallah lets target by the 20th Ramadhan at least they can fast for a few days. Or encourage them to fast two days a week. If they can do that willingly….Mashaa Allah let’s celebrate!

2.      Give them activities to do. If your child is in daycare then ensure that the school has many activities for our kids to do to divert their mind from food! If they are at home with you then create activities like storytelling and art and craft so that they will have something to do. A word of caution, not too much tab or tv please!

3.       Keep talking about the rewards that Allah will give in Ramadhan if we fast. Relate to Allah’s reward and pleasure so that we can train them to fast to please Allah. Allah loves good khalifah who fast. If Allah is happy we will enter Jannah…in Jannah we can eat as many things as we like. If Allah is happy we will live a happy life.

4.      Remind them of all the children who do not have food in this world. Show them a few pictures of children who are malnourished so that they can think and have sympathy and empathy for these unfortunate children. Teach them to also give sadaqah and make doa for these children because they are also our brothers and sisters.

Inshaa Allah may these few tips can help us all to train our children towards becoming a good khalifah of Allah.

Thursday, 18 June 2015


Children are naturally inclined to love. It is in their fitrah to wanting love and attention. And it is in their fitrah to believe in Allah swt as the creator of their beautiful world. As the child is growing  towards the age of rationality, parents should guide them in learning what is self control and the right and wrong ways of showing their feelings such as anger and jealousy. Till then, the child is not held accountable for his deeds. 

Use words that create delight in the child's heart such as,

"Aiman, Allah loves those who share their toys with friends. Now let's play together with brother Haziq"

"Masyallah, such a clever girl you are Aisha. Can you show mummy how clever girls clean up their toys?"

"Zara, did you like the toy Abah bought you yesterday? If you want more beautiful gifts from Allah, you must eat all your vegetables. Allah loves us to be healthy."

As said by Rasulullah saw,

”The pen is lifted from three people (i.e. their deeds are not recorded): The child until he reaches puberty, the person who is insane until he comes to his senses and the person who is asleep until he wakes up.’’ (Abu Dawud and Ibn Majah)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015


It's common to find English fairytale storybooks out there that always ends with the princess marrying the prince or the hero living happily ever after. Some books have also been produced so many times yet always seem the same to us over the years.

Alhamdulillah, Little Caliphs is proud to present, storybooks that are familiar and close to our hearts, yet they come with a twist of events and ending. These storybooks also teaches our young children good Islamic moral values, words of praises to Allah to be used in their daily life as well as exciting memorabilia that comes along with the book so children have extra activity to do after reading.

Here are some of our current books that you can find at Little Caliphs branches near you. Click here to find our branches. LC Branches

Watch out this space for updates on more new storybooks by Little Caliphs!

Our latest release! 

Sticker by Numbers



“Ibu….dalam perut ibu ada adik ya?” Lin bertanya ibunya. “Macam mana adik nak keluar nanti? Lin dulu dalam perut ibu juga ke? Ibu….oooh ibu..! Jawablah!”

Ibu Fadhlin Sakinah menggeleng kepala sambil meneruskan kerja di komputer ribanya. “Apa yang harus aku jawab? Ya Allah budak ni banyak pula tanyanya!”

Anak-anak kecil bertanya kerana didorong oleh rasa ingin tahunya yang besar terhadap sesuatu, bekalan rasa ingin tahu ini memang telah ada sejak manusia lahir. Kehebatan rasa ingin tahu inilah yang membuat bayi boleh merangkak, berjalan dan berbicara. Selanjutnya rasa ingin tahu ini akan menentukan kualiti perkembangan otak kanak-kanak. Kalau perasaan ingin tahu itu sentiasa diselaputi dengan perkataan ‘tidak boleh’ anak-anak yang bijak akan bertanya kembali “Kenapa tak boleh ibu? Kenapa?”

Kita munkin megira bahawa anak-anak ini masih tidak tahu apa-apa. Kebijaksanaan otak mereka tidak dapat menjangkau kefahaman alam semesta. Tidak seharusnya kita sebagai ibu bapa befikiran begitu. Potensi anak-anak jangan sesekali di ambil enteng. Ibu bapa yang rajin menyemai baja ke dalam potensi anak-anak mereka akan mendpati pelaburan masa dan tenaga mereka akan dibalasi dengan kepintaran dan kecerdasan si anak.

Di sini izinkan saya memberi beberapa sebab yang menyebabkan kenapa anak-anak suka bertanya. Di anataranya adalah anak-anak menunjukkan minat kepada peristiwa atau pandangan sekitarnya. Kedua, kerana sikecil ini cuba mencari titik terang supaya mereka dapat memahami penjelasan yang diberikan oleh kita dan yang ketiga, kerana mereka ingin menarik perhatian.
Petanda permulaan pemikiran kritis dan kreatif ialah apabila anak-anak bertanya mengapa. Kita ibu bapa harus mempunyai beberapa ‘skil’ bila hendak melayani karenah anak-anak bijak yang selalu ingin bertanya ini.

1.  Sifat sabar
kita ni banyak kerja…. dengan kerja pejabat dan rumah lagi , malas rasanya nak melayani taluan soalan dari anak bila mereka mula bertanya. Sabarla, berikan sedikit masa dari masa kesibukan kita untuk melayani inkuiri minda intelek mereka.

2. Jawablah dengan benar
Singkat kata , ibu bapa harus menjawab soalan mereka dengan jujur dengan memilih bahasa yang mudah mereka faham. Respons yang baik akan membantu proses berfikir dan pemahaman mereka kelak.

Seperti soalan apa di dalam perut ibu tadi. Jawab sahaja dengan jujur. “Ya sayang, dalam perut ibu ada adik. Nah… kalau dah sembilan bulan akan keluar adik bayi. Sama seperti bila ibu mengandungkan Lin dulu. Nanti kalau kita pergi berjumpa doktor , barulah ibu tahu macam mana kita nak keluarkan adik tu ok.”

3. Ajak anak untuk mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan yang sulit.
Jika persoalan itu kita kurang pasti bagaimana hendak menjawabnya, kita berkata” Hmm, ibu tak pasti apa ya jawabannya, mari kita tengok buku siapa tahu ada jawapannya kalau tak kita cari dalam google sahaja” atau “Esok kita jumpa atuk nanti Iman tanyalah pada atuk soalan tu ya.” atau “Haa…soalan tu kita tanya cikgu esok ok”. Dengan begitu si kecil akan belajar bahwa jika kelak menghadapi masalah, dia akan mencari orang yang boleh membantunya memecahkan masaalah yang dihadapinya atau membacanya dari buku atau internet.

4. Adakalanya tak perlu menjawab
Ini adalah khusus untuk pertanyaan ‘mengapa’ yang berhubung dengan aqidah, akhlaq, ibadah sebaiknya kita mengajak mereka memahami pada menuruti perintah Allah dan Rasulullah s.a.w. “Ibu kenapa kita harus solat begini?” ”Kerana itulah yang diajar oleh Rasulullah s.a.w bagaimana kita harus solat pada Allah.”

5.  Sediakan buku bacaan ilmu pengetahuan dan islami untuk anak.
Ajaklah anak anak melihat gambar yang menarik dan berbincang mengenai perihal gambar tersebut. Ajar mereka bertanya mengikut cara 5W dan 1H (what,when,where ,why,who dan how)
Seorang ibu memulai bersenandung mengagungkan asma Allah sejak bayi dalam kandungan lagi. 

Pada usia muda anak anak harus diajar siapa Penciptanya dan kenapa mereka diciptakan serta peranan manusia kepada tuhannya, Allah.

Seiring dengan perkembangan kanak-kanak mereka akan bertanya tentang siapa yang menciptakannya , di mana tempat penciptanya dan sebagainya. Saat itulah ibubapa dituntut untuk memberikan jawaban tepat yang mengarah kepada keesaan Allah sesuai dengan usia dan kefahaman mereka.

“Allah itu di mana ibu?

Allah bersemayam di atas ArsyNya.

Arsy tu apa?

Arsy tu singgahsana Allah, ianya di langit yang jauh dari penglihatan kita.

Tapi kata ustaz Allah itu dekat dengan kita!

Arsy tu tempat Allah tapi kita tak tahu rupanya bagaimana dan di mana. Allah itu akan sentiasa dekat dengan kita kerana Dia sentiasa menjaga dan bersama-sama kita.

Kalau begitu Allah tu banyaklah…ada di arsy, ada di rumah kita…?

Itulah bedanya Allah dengan kita makhlukNya. Allah boleh melihat dan menjaga semua makhlukNya tanpa bantuan apa pun. Sebab Allah itu Maha Melihat, Maha Mengetaui, Maha Bijaksana. Tapi kalau makhluq kalau ada 10 kedai harus ada 10 orang menjaganya. Allah maha berkuasa, Dia boleh jaga semuanya.

Soalan yang sering ditanya lagi oleh anak-anak

Allah itu seperti apa Ibu?

Allah itu kita tak nampak, seorang pun tak tahu macam mana rupa Allah kerana Allah itu tak serupa dengan penciptaanNya. Tapi kita boleh merasakan adanya Allah dengan kita perhatikan ciptaan ciptaan Allah di muka bumi ini . Manusia, bumi yang kita tinggal ni, bulan, matahari semuanya adalah bukti Allah itu ada.

Pelbagai lagi pesoalan-persoalan yang akan ditanya oleh anak-anak kita tapi sekadar ruang yang terbatas ini tak dapat saya nukilkan lagi…InshaaAllah di lain lebaran, panjang umur akan saya teruskan lagi nukilan mengenai persolan dari anak anak kita yang pintar. Sama-samalah kita berdoa agar setiap soalan yang diaju oleh sang anak, Allah akan memberi kita ilham cara yang terbaik untuk kita menjawabnya. Wabillahitaufiq walhidayah.