Tuesday 4 August 2015


Assalamualaikum wbt dear parents,

Wondering what to do this weekend? Tired of the same old routine? Perhaps these ideas could give you an inspiration on how you can spend some quality time with your children. 

1. Taking them to libraries and/or buying them books. This is a chance to turn off screens of television sets, laptops, phones, games consoles and the like for some real bonding time. 

2. Going on a picnic at a park. Get in some fresh air and relax with the scenery. 

3. Try a new food (halal) your child has never eaten. This allows them to explore other cultures and learn more about the world. 

4. Volunteering such as cleaning the park, visiting an orphanage, visiting an animal shelter etc. Teach them good values about caring for others, the community and the more needy. 

5. Watch the stars. Sometimes we take our surroundings for granted. Perhaps you could take the children for a drive to where the skies are clear at night and admire the amazing collection of stars Allah swt has created. 

6. Get cooking. Try simple and easy types of cookies or muffins children can enjoy making themselves with your guidance. 

7. Make a family memory album. Your kids can pick the pictures they like most then get it printed and put into the album. You can even create captions together. 

8. Joining a parent-child Islamic boot camp or going to classes at your neighbourhood masjid. This way you both can build a spiritual bond together. 

9. Try a new hobby such as collecting stamps, swimming, flying a kite, bowling etc. The list are endless as long as you and your children are enjoying it and learning something new. 

Have fun! 

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